Le Space Rider de l’ESA et le Dream Chaser de Sierra Space, deux nouveaux véhicules spatiaux ressemblant aux navettes spatiales américaines, devraient être lancés pour la première fois cette année.S’ils peuvent transporter et ramener du fret depuis et ver
The article explores the potential "return" of space shuttles, using the upcoming launches of two new spacecraft, the ESA's Space Rider and Sierra Space's Dream Chaser, as a case study.
Main Conceptual Idea: While not designed to carry humans like the original space shuttles, Space Rider and Dream Chaser evoke nostalgia and functional similarities with their predecessors. Both utilize a lifting-body design for controlled atmospheric reentry and reusable functionality. However, they focus on different missions:
* Space Rider: Designed for orbital research and servicing of existing satellites.
* Dream Chaser: Primarily contracted by NASA to transport cargo and potentially contribute to the dismantling of the International Space Station in the future.
Essentially, the article argues that although the design is reminiscent of the space shuttles, these new vehicles represent a renewed approach to space exploration and utilization, focused on practicality and specific tasks rather than human spaceflight.
The article explores the potential "return" of space shuttles, using the upcoming launches of two new spacecraft, the ESA's Space Rider and Sierra Space's Dream Chaser, as a case study. Main Conceptual Idea: While not designed to carry humans like the original space shuttles, Space Rider and Dream Chaser evoke nostalgia and functional similarities with their predecessors. Both utilize a lifting-body design for controlled atmospheric reentry and reusable functionality. However, they focus on different missions: * Space Rider: Designed for orbital research and servicing of existing satellites. * Dream Chaser: Primarily contracted by NASA to transport cargo and potentially contribute to the dismantling of the International Space Station in the future. Essentially, the article argues that although the design is reminiscent of the space shuttles, these new vehicles represent a renewed approach to space exploration and utilization, focused on practicality and specific tasks rather than human spaceflight.